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Add New Records or Copy them Directly in Google Sheet

In the video below, you will learn how to copy, or add new records directly in Google Sheets.

Why would you do that instead of using the easy maintenance via CRM? 
It is sometimes quicker to create a set of new products, maybe for a new category that did not exist by copying and pasting data in Google sheets.
In addition, isn't possible currently to re-order lines/raws directly in the CRM. (this process is shown in a separated guide)

Google Sheet contains several spreadsheets. Some are automatically populated in the background when you hit the "Generate All Variations" or "Generate Menu" in the CRM
A "lock icon" is visible before their name, so do not touch or update them.

You may update sheets "Products" and "Modifier Groups". MAKE SURE TO CREATE BACKUPS by right-clicking on the sheet in in your Google Drive and "Make a Copy". Then rename it as "Backup and the name you'd like" (Note that you are the owner of the Google sheet. You are responsible for the data. In case of data loss, eBizprof Digital won't be able to recover data, we do not have your data in our end.)

Here is a step-by-step video: